No Recliner Session


Typing this while lying in Foothills Emerg. 

Came for Recliner Session #6 today but have a fever so it has been cancelled. 

Not 100% sure what is happening with stent surgery tomorrow but 99% sure no one wants fever dude on the table for surgery. 

Suspect stent is infected. 

Pain was off charts last night. Woke up with shivers and voila I'm under scrutiny with a schwack of tests again. 

No lesson on this post, just updating. 

Oh, ummm ok here's the lesson again - yer not promised tomorrow do something with today for fucks sake. 

Love Jimmy 

PS I was lucky to have Dr Lynn on call to guide me. In turn I was able to give her renewed  perspective as a porter!


Love Over Money

Gastrointestinal Rubix Cube